Saturday 27 May 2017

Sibling battles!

My brother, Sam, is two years younger than me. He is, in my opinion the most annoying, infuriating and yet fantastic person I know.
We fight more often than we are friends, and as a child being the eldest was great, I could just smack him one, I used to be forever getting him into trouble for things I had done. Sorry Sam!
Unfortunately as we got older he grew, massive, he's so tall and spends all his spare time in the gym. I don't fancy fighting Mr Muscle because unlike when we were 5 and 7 I know for a fact I will not win. (damn)
Growing up we had a love/hate sibling relationship, you know the one.. either 'I want to kill you' or 'you're my very best friend in the world' and that drove (and still does drive) our parents mad, but which siblings don't drive their parents crazy? We surely can't be the only ones? If we are sorry Mum and Dad.
We are fantastic at winding each other up, seeing who will bite first. for example....I'll never let him live down the time I squashed him into my dolls buggy and pushed him round the house, or the time he insisted in dressing up in my dress and refusing to get changed (sorry Sam had to be done)

When it comes down to it Sam is the person in the world I can trust with any secret and he tells me absolutely everything, even when I cannot be in the same room with him because he's made me so angry, I would never tell.
As children we even had our own secret language, does anyone else have their own language with their siblings? No? Just us... okay!!

We hang out fairly often, usually having at least one argument, as siblings usually do. We can often go weeks without talking because we have fallen out over something completely ridiculous and I can't even count the amount of time we have 'unfriended' each other on Facebook, but we always re-add each other again.

Sam, is a fantastic Uncle to Lily in his own way, he, as most adolescent boys is not fantastic at the whole practical 'looking after' a child or baby, he almost fainted when he had to change her nappy. Once! However he did love Lily cuddles when she was tiny, and is one very proud Uncle whenever she does anything slightly exciting he is always first to cheer her on!

Looking lovingly at each other

When the two of them are left alone together it is the equivalent of leaving two four year olds' together, unsupervised. Expect mess... and often tears, mostly from Sam! (kidding) but Lily ADORES him, she thinks he is the most funny person in the whole wide world, and how great is winding him up?!
Sam and Lily share a love of all sports which means they are often running around together.
As a newly (almost) trained swimming teacher Lily loves nothing more than showing off her swimming schools for Uncle Sam's approval.


Do you get on with your sibling? I'd love to hear.
Thanks for reading
Danielle x

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Lily's first blog- All about Steven

Lily has been asking me to write a blog all about her pet, Steven the Hamster since I first began writing blogs, today's blog is going to be written by Lily. Age 4 and is all about her furry friend. Questions asked by Mummy and answered completely in Lily's own words.  

"I love Steven"

"Where did we get Steven from Lily?" - "We got Steven from Pets at Home in Inverurie, the lady helped us choose the one we wanted, we could choose a boy or a girl, I wanted a Boy. The lady helped us know how to look after a hamster, and not to feed him kiwi, because it's bad for hamsters. The lady also told us to let him rest in his cage for a long time before we played with him so he could be settled in"
I can hold Steven but I'm very gentle because he's little

"Why did you call Steven, Steven?" - Because that's My Grumpa's name and I love it, and I love my Grumpa lots.

"How do you look after Steven Lily?"  - "I give him fresh water every day, and give him fresh carrots and feed him everyday.
I play with him every day, I play with him in his ball.
Steven loves his ball and runs really really really fast. 
I hold him lots, he's very used to being holded now and doesn't even bite. 
I take him to the vet if he's poorly, when he had wet tail we went to the vet, the vet looked at him but he was okay, so we took him back home.
I have to clean out his cage, Mummy helps me with that because its tricky isn't it Mummy?  Steven likes having a clean house" 

Steven in his ball.

"Mummy and I went to the pet shop at the weekend and bought Steven a brand new cage, it is HUGE it has tunnels for Steven to climb up and a big wheel for him to run in, we got him a new house too but he doesn't really like it yet. Steven's new cage was from Pet's at home and Steven loves it. It is blue and blue is my and Steven's favourite colour."

Me looking at Steven's new cage!

"We buyed him yogurt bites for a yummy treat. He loves those but he loves broccoli the most. He gets lots of different food for treats, but remember Mummy not Kiwi"

Steven enjoying his favourite food, Broccoli.

Thanks for reading Lily's first blog,
We hope you enjoyed it.
Lily would love to know what you thought?

Danielle & Lily


Tuesday 23 May 2017

A Day In the Life of Lily

A Day in the life of Lily

Good Morning Mummy

Lily wakes up at around 8.30/9am and gets herself dressed, in the clothes that we looked out for her to wear the previous night. She then comes and wakes me up, by getting into bed with me for a 'good morning kiss and cuddle.'
We both get up and Lily plays in her play room. While I get myself dressed and ready.
Recently she's started playing a lot with her 'Design A Friend' doll Victoria. Which is a doll collection, with their own outfits and accessories, available to buy from Argos (link below)
Lily is saving up to buy the other dolls and more clothes for Victoria. She loves how Victoria looks like her and has so many different outfits so she can dress and undress her lots which is one of Lily's favourite thing to do at the moment and is great for her fine motor skills.
After I am ready we both go downstairs and Lily lets Capra, our dog outside, while I get breakfast ready. Lily likes either cereal or toast for breakfast. We have breakfast together.

 Lily then plays with her hamster Steven, who she recently bought a new cage for and is so excited to help write her very first, own blog post based on her very special pet Steven.
Lily and I then take Capra for a walk, either to the wonderful fairy garden we have in our village or the dog walk area, Capra loves going to the dog walk, where she often meets other dogs to play with. Capra is a rescue dog from Spain and we have had her for a year, she is the soppiest dog out there and just wants cuddles from anyone and everyone. She also loves sharing ice cream with her human sister Lily!

When we have finished our walk we grab a quick lunch, as we start Work/Nursery at 11am. Lily's favourite lunches include- Salad wraps, ham sandwiches, Picnic platter with lots of veg. Lily's favourite food is cucumber and she would eat the whole thing if I let her!
We then set off to Nursery. Lily is in my nursery class and has been for just over a year, but only until summer when she starts primary one (but that's a whole other blog post)
We spend the afternoon playing, learning, and having fun! I am very lucky in the sense that even when I am working I am playing and spending time with Lily, although it has it's own challenges, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being Lily's teacher is just as much of a challenge and fun as being her Mum, in a completely different way and when Lily first started in my class we found it quite difficult to adapt, Lily wasn't used to sharing her Mum, but now she barely notices I'm there. Since starting Nursery she has come on in so many different ways, her confidence and social skills are the two areas I notice the most difference in.
Lily stays with me after her friends have gone home, and helps tidy the Classroom though more often than not she makes more of a mess as I'm trying to tidy up.
Sometimes Lily will go through and visit her Granny in the office and help her with very important jobs, Lily's Granny is our School's Administrator.
We finish School at 4 and head home, we seconds away from the which has it's advantages and disadvantages, it can be challenging when my best friend's are also parents of children in my class, but again I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lily with her neighbours Shaun and Chloe, two of Lily's best friends, We are so lucky to have the best neighbours.
Lily loves to play out with next door neighbours after school.
They are all in different classes at the moment so Lily gets so excited to rush home from school to play with them, I will often have a chat with Faye, Shaun and Chloe's Mum and one of my closest friends.
We are so lucky to have such amazing neighbours who are not only great friends but the most supportive, kind people we could wish to live next door to. I am delighted that Lily is growing up on a street where she can 'play out' like I did when I was a child. In the holidays the children will play outside until it gets dark and we will sit outside chatting. (often with a glass of prossecco or 5)
Lily does highland dancing twice a week, and really enjoys it. She passed her first Highland Dancing exam in December and will begin to compete very soon. She has come on so much since starting and loves it so much that she practices every single day without being asked. On Highland Dancing days we don't get home till a bit later on.  

You may have already read our blog about Lily's bedtime routine if not I will put the link in here.....

That is the average day in Lily's Life, I hope you have enjoyed reading.
Danielle x

Thursday 18 May 2017

Sporting Classes, Why I think they're important

There are so many different sports classes out there for children of all ages, it can be overwhelming choosing which ones to attend, whether that be one you go to with your child or one they attend alone. Sometimes attending classes with your child may feel daunting or scary, especially if you are shy and find meeting new people difficult.
That is the first reason I think starting going to any class from an early age is a really positive part of your child growing up. As well as the obvious added fitness and health benefits, It's a great opportunity to meet new people both for you and your child. Children of young ages can develop social skills which are valuable when it comes to them starting nursery or school.

Lily currently takes part in Ballet and Highland dancing, we have narrowed it down to these two as she has decided these are the two she wants to do seriously. Previously she has tried gymnastics and swimming- she will continue with swimming after the Summer Holidays.
Trying a variety of groups from a young age is a good idea, both you and your child can get an idea of what they will enjoy, and those they may not enjoy as much.
Once you have decided on an activity (or two) that your child wants to do I think it is very important that your child sticks to it/them. This may mean encouraging them to keep going once the initial excitement has worn off, but by getting them to persevere and at least continue to attend until the end of that block or term not only teaches resilience but also teaches them that in life just because things become difficult or hard work it does not mean you can or should just give up. These classes often cost money which is another reason a child should not just drop out half way through a term- on the other hand if they really, get to dislike their hobby for a genuine reason you can discuss this and listen to their reasons and come to a decision together.
Sport, including dancing is a great way to keep fit, as well as this it teaches them a huge variety of life skills including: team work, gross and fine motor skills, coordination, confidence, spatial awareness, the ability to persevere and the feeling of achievement.

The improvement in Lily's motor skills and spatial awareness since starting both Ballet and Highland dancing a year ago is massive, when she first started Ballet she didn't know how to skip, she is now doing Pre-primary ballet as well as five year olds. Not only is there an obvious physical improvement but Lily's confidence has grown massively. She completed a highland dancing exam in December and passed, the sense of pride and achievement was massive.

Lily with her highland dancing awards

Lily has recently been told she is at a level where she can begin to compete in Highland Dancing and she is so excited to begin, she attends highland dancing twice a week and ballet once and she loves both and spends the entire week asking if its a ballet or highland day!

I'd love to hear what sports or activities your children get up to.
Thanks for reading

Wednesday 17 May 2017

It's okay to ask for help.

"Sometimes it's okay not to be okay."

I hate accepting help, admitting that I'm struggling or just that I need a hand.
I see it as a sign of weakness almost like I'm not good enough if I take the help that is offered to me.
Which of course is ridiculous.
I have the best most supportive family and friends, who are forever helping me out in any way they possibly can. I am incredibly lucky in that aspect and I feel like I don't tell them enough how genuinely grateful I am.
Without the support of my family and friends I would not have been able to cope this past year. Some days I struggle to get out of bed. My head feels like it is attacking itself and my whole body aches, but despite how rubbish I feel Lily needs her Mum. Yet some mornings when Lily wakes me up I want to hide under the covers and shut the whole world out. I want to scream and shout, its not fair, why can't I just feel normal, but of course I don't, I keep going and try to be the best Mum I can be to Lily.
Very recently I have began to accept help from the people I love and the people who love me, its hard, but slowly I am getting better at accepting the help I need.
Recently a very good friend of mine took Lily for the whole day when I felt absolutely awful, although I found it really hard to ask for help, because I did I spent the day able to rest and recuperate and I felt so much better after a full day of rest.
What I guess I am learning is that taking help when offered isn't weakness, its necessary.
So, to my friends who have tirelessly supported me and offered help, and sometimes just an ear, Thank you.
To anyone reading this who needs some support or help but are too scared to ask, please do.

Thanks for reading

Danielle x

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Friends without kids.

As a parent, Lily is my entire world, everything about her fascinates me and as a result I love seeing other people's children on social media, whether that is them taking their first steps or just looking super cute in photos, I however know that not everyone is interested in seeing those and that's okay.
I have recently seen things through a non parents eyes and it changed the way I thought. Previously I couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to see a cute baby, smiling or laughing. To me it is the most beautiful and magical part of life and I wanted to share every moment of Lily's development with the people I loved. I now realise that my friends can love Lily without wanting or needing every aspect of her life shoved in their face at every opportunity (However if you don't want to see it. Please feel free to unfriend me) If a person doesn't have a mini human being of their own, it's hard to see them as the most amazing thing in the world. Its impossible to feel that amount of love for someone who isn't your very own child.
My friend who doesn't have children put it in a very realistic and sensible way when we were discussing the differences between us. She said, that in many ways she is selfish, although I understand what she means, that's totally okay, when you don't have someone else to put completely first all the time why shouldn't you be selfish, why wouldn't you put yourself first. When I go out I have to first find someone to look after Lily, then make sure that she is okay/settled, I then spend most of the evening either worrying about her or checking up that she's okay. When friends without children make decisions, whether it be to go for a night out, start a new job, join a new gym class etc they have the freedom to do that as they choose, which of course they should be able to. I as a mum have a to consider Lily and her needs before I make any decision, again that is my choice as her parent. I have found that I have less in common with friends who don't have children. That however doesn't mean that we can no longer be friends, it is just that we have different priorities.
Being a parent made me grow up very quickly and in a way I grew apart from many of my friends, which is natural, I found with a lot of people, now I am no longer available to go out whenever I choose, that certain people stopped inviting me and as a result we grew apart and no longer speak. Again that is okay, it is part of life and growing up. The friends who have stuck by me despite me being a 'boring Mum' are the ones I will have for life. I appreciate the fact that despite not having children, they still love hanging out with Lily and don't mind me speaking about her ALL the time.  
My priority is always Lily, as most parents will tell you about their children
So, to my friends without children,
Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed reading

Danielle. x

Monday 15 May 2017

Small Shop Appreciation of the week

We have been using small shops/supporting small businesses for some time now, and I love the fact that by supporting a small business I am supporting someone's dream. Someone who not feel they are good enough, someone possibly struggling to make ends meet, who works their butts off to create beautiful, incredible handmade items. That is to me the best thing about shopping small.
The added plus of having beautiful individual items that cannot be found on the high street, items which are  made with such love and passion and items that are always of the highest quality.

This blog is about some of my favourite small shops, who work so incredibly hard and deserve endless recognition for their talent and love of their trade.
I plan to write about two different small shops weekly focusing on who they are and what they do. This week I am writing about Dolly_Bowtique and Paint The Roses Red Prints.
I hope I do these wonderful businesses justice and you enjoy reading.

Lily wearing one of her many Dolly_Bowtique skirts.
 Dolly_Bowtique makes handmade skirts, pinafores, dresses and even headbands and dummy clips and can be found on Instagram and Facebook. Dolly_Bowtique's items are of the highest quality and her ever expanding repertoire is incredible! The material used is always of the highest quality and we love how many different options there are for different materials. Lily is often seen sporting a Dolly_Bowtique skirt and hair bow.

Paint The Roses Red Prints, can be found on Instagram and Facebook
and make the most beautiful prints, my favourite thing about them is that no challenge is too much. Lily's artwork has been made into the most beautiful frame, a quote that my Granny loves has been brought to life. These prints are guaranteed to make you smile, cry, and laugh and I love them. Along with bespoke items there are also some beautiful quote prints, such as "OOTD" prints.

Lily's Artwork Made into a beautiful frame.

Thank you for reading

Danielle x

Friday 12 May 2017

A mans best friend

Today was one of the hardest days of my life, I made the decision to take Amber, our family dog to the vet, and not bring her home.  This is a decision we knew would have to be made at some point in the near future as Amber's health had been detraining in the last few months, but today, when she could no longer stand up by herself and her feet were bleeding I phoned the vets to ask them to see her. My parents, Amber's Wicked Step Mum & Dad are on Holiday, and unfortunately Amber couldn't have survived until they got home.

Amber came into our lives when she was 18 months old, I remember the excitement of going to Dogs Trust and looking at all of the little dogs, in cages and wanting to take them all. Seeing Amber with her too big for her head ears and happy face I knew she was the one for us.
The first time we met Amber she was exactly the same as she spent her whole life being, gentle, soft and needy! She loved nothing more than being stroked and cuddled and would flop down on the floor at any sign of attention.

She immediately fitted in with our family. Taking part in massive walks/runs and adventures with my Dad and the whole family, now 14 years later its hard to imagine life without her.
When we brought home a puppy (Sascha) she accepted her, making sure Sascha knew who was boss and only growling and showing her teeth occasionally.
She really was our top dog.

Later when Lily was born Amber was, as she is with everyone gentle and protective, she put up with being 'looked after' by Lily and she is the reason Lily has such a love of dogs.

"Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them and filling an emptiness we didn't even know we had"
My heart is breaking tonight, but I am forever grateful for the fun times and content that Amber lived a long and happy life.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Eating out with children.

I recently heard people complaining about children 'ruining' their meal when eating out. This couple claimed that children being noisy interrupted their dining and that restaurants should consider offering a 'child free dining' option. It got me thinking.
To me, Lily is a part of me, my other half. The chances are if I am eating out my shadow will be beside me and I have taken Lily to restaurants from her being just a few days old, that being said I would not have Lily eating out with me if I thought she was going to be disruptive or rude to other diners and when she was a baby I made sure that she had plenty of distractions and if she became unsettled in any way which might have caused other diners to have their experience dampened I would remove her from the situation.
I think table manners are very important and raise Lily to always be polite both when dining out and eating at home, I feel that a child should be able to sit at a table with their family the way an adult should. However what happens if they can't?
When I asked friends, both with and without children their thoughts on the matter it became apparent that the consensus is as long as the children are kept sitting at their own table and not left to run about a restaurant then there is no need for child free dining to be offered. It was also suggested that if people are really that bothered about children disrupting their dining they should eat later or choose a higher end restaurant where there wouldn't be children anyway.
I can understand why it may be frustrating to sit down to a meal for it to be sound tracked to screaming children, but if that is the case surely simply asking to be moved to another table away from the noise, or choose a restaurant where there aren't going to be children is an easy way to overcome that issue, failing that just showing a bit of empathy, that parent may be at their witts end, it may be the first time they have been able to eat out, they may not have the privilege to be able to eat out without taking the children with them.
At what point does it become 'okay' to take a child to a restaurant, because if a child has no experience with how they should behave when eating out then when they're 11, 12  and it is deemed acceptable for them to join their parents for meals they will have no experience and not know how to behave.

I'd love to hear your opinions on eating out with children.

Thanks for reading

Danielle x

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Product Review - Baby Annabell Bedroom Playset

Lily has been desperate for a baby Annabell Bedroom for what seems like forever.
Me being the mean Mummy that I am made her wait and save up some of the money for it.
At £74.99 it is on the pricey side for what it is, that being said it is as you would expect with Baby Annabell of a high quality and a toy which I think will be very well loved.

The house itself arrived with simple cardboard outer and cellophane wrapping which was easy to open, always a plus with an impatient four year old trying to get into it at lightening speed.
 The play set is much more sturdy than I thought it would be and is made of high quality material, I am sure it will cope with four year old play.
The house opens up to reveal a park scene with the well loved Baby Annabell Sheep pattern and when these panels are opened you are in the centre of your very own, beautiful Baby Annabell bedroom.
Lily was delighted to find the pull out bed with it's own blanket and pillow for Baby Annabell to have a very comfortable sleep and loved the fact she can keep all of Baby Annabell's clothes together in her little bedroom.
The Mobile which hangs above the cot is very cute and adds a lovely touch to the room.

Lily says:
 "It's like a real bedroom for a real baby"
When we first brought the Baby Annabell house home I thought it looked quite large and I had a little panic about where on earth I was going to store it? What we have found however is that once we have stored all of Baby Annabell's clothes, shoes, bottles in it (which we seem to have more of than clothes for me) it is actually a really good way of keeping everything together and Lily loves the fact Baby Annabell's room is like hers.

Lily, since bringing it home has spent hours playing with it, setting up the room exactly how she would like it, hanging and folding clothes and playing Mum, with it. (why doesn't she keep her own room this tidy?!)
I love listening to Lily playing with her babies, she is so kind, gentle and loving!
We hope you enjoyed this review and would love to hear your opinions on the Baby Annabell House.
Thanks for reading
Danielle x

Tuesday 9 May 2017

New Look Shopping Haul

I celebrated my 23rd Birthday in April and my friends and family, knowing me so well bought me lots of New Look vouchers which I couldn't wait to spend.

I was so excited to go for a child free wonder round the shops because shopping to me is usually telling Lily to 'put that down' and 'no you aren't old enough for a bra yet' (insert teenage eye roll here)
So off I went, I'm a much more, 'in person' shopper than online though and as a rule I dislike clothes shopping but I love shopping for accessories.
My Shopping Haul

I had originally intended to use my vouchers to buy a very boring, but sensible jacket but as I have been so unwell lately I decided to use these to treat myself instead.

I have been on the look out for a satchel style laptop case since I got my laptop and hadn't found anything that I wanted. I wanted something I could use as an every day handbag, but that my small laptop could fit in and still be protected and of course is pretty! most the cases I have found were practical, but well, boring to be honest.

When I came across this satchel in New Look, I was delighted! My laptop, fits in one compartment perfectly and in the second compartment I can store my charger, pencil case, note books etc..
£25.99 Also comes in Blue, Black and White.
There's even a handy front pocket which is perfect for my purse and phone so they are all organised and I know exactly where everything is.
I love the size of the bag, it isn't too bulky.
The light pink with gold features makes it completely fashionable and for £25.99 I was happy with my first purchase.
 I am now on the look out for a matching purse so any suggestions would be great!

Next I bought myself some new Letterings for my light box, I was excited to find them in all different colours for only £3.99 and loved that they come with little pictures such as hearts and stars too! :) Lily and I love our lightbox which sits at our front door but we are often frustrated to find we don't have enough letters to spell out what we are trying to say!

I bought myself and Lily matching plastic Mason Jars because I thought they were really cute and were in the sale at only £1 each! These are perfect for summer evenings spent outside, and the fact the straw doesn't fall out is a huge added bonus.
I purchased what I guess is a make up bag but I have teamed it up with my smart new satchel to use as a pencil case as it matched my notebook and pens perfectly it was in the sale too and priced at £3.99 which is quite expensive for the size of it, but I loved the colour (and I was treating myself so why not) I don't think i'd have bought this at full price, but I do love how sparkly and pretty it is!
Pencil Case £3.99

My final buys were bargains spotted at the till.
A blackberry matte Lipstick for only £2, it's very dark and not the colour I would usually choose but I can't wait to try it the next time I have a night out (watch this space)
Lastly I bought a hair wrap/scarf for £1.50 which is very pretty and flowery, I love wearing headbands/hair wraps and can't wait to wear it.. If I ever get it back from Lily who  has already claimed it for herself.
Lily wearing 'her' new hair wrap

I hope you enjoyed reading.
 What are some of your favourite New Look Buys?

Danielle x

Monday 8 May 2017

Sweetie Emporium Product Review

When we were chosen to product test sweeties for a brand new business (@sweetie.emporium) Lily was very excited, and she didn't have to wait long- our sweets were delivered to us very quickly and were presented beautifully, Lily loved the monster faces on the bag. 

When it came to trying the sweets Lily kindly said I could share them with her, we put all the sweets into a bowl and chose which we thought would be our favourites. The sweets were fresh despite being delivered to us, and Lily especially enjoyed the mini love hearts, I being a huge lover of sour sweets opted for the fizzy belts and they were delicious! Lily demolished the chocolates before I even got a chance to try them and assured me that they were very yummy, the marshmallows were Lily's next favourite.
We were very impressed with the variety of treats for us to try and share, and the way they were so well presented would make them a perfect gift for a sweet tooth friend.
We will without a doubt be ordering some more goodies very soon and would recommend @Sweetie.emporium to our friends and family.

Lily has her say - "I loved the marshmallows and the love hearts and the chocolates best, the monster face on my sweetie bag was really cool. The best thing was that they came through the door for me so I had a special treat."

Sunday 7 May 2017

Sleep, its important to us.

The subject of sleep is one that is discussed a lot as parents, I am one of the lucky ones Lily is a fantastic sleeper and apart from the few times she has been poorly and needed cuddles in my bed, she always sleeps in her own bed and sleeps all night every night.
That being said up until her 2nd Birthday I sat and held her hand every night until she fell asleep, sometimes sitting by her bedside for hours at a time. It wasn't until a friend gave me some well needed tough love that I decided enough was enough, I spend all day with Lily and would often sit until 10pm holding her hand until she was asleep. I had no 'me' time. If it weren't for my friends  support in going cold turkey I may have been writing a very different blog now...

It was hard. The first night Lily screamed for 8 hours straight, it was pure rage and temper but it broke my heart, my friend patiently stayed up the whole night, reassuring me and making sure I wasn't alone. I will be ever grateful for that because it was one of the most challenging, moments I had experienced as a parent. I was exhausted, but I persevered and the next night she cried for only a few hours, this went on for about a week. After that it was like something clicked in Lily's mind. I could almost see the cognitive wheels turning, she had decided she didn't need to be sad at bed time any more and that was that.

Lily's bedtime routine is pretty consistent, at the end of a Nursery day (4pm) Lily comes home and often plays with her next door neighbours, Shaun and Chloe. Either outside or in her playroom while I prepare our food, if her friends are busy she will help me cook, play or just sit and chat about her day.
We always eat meals together and have a strict no phones at the table rule, I strongly believe that having good table manners are a really important part of raising a child and Tea time is our time.

Lily and Steven (Steven is named after Lily's Grumpa)
After tea Lily spends some time with her Hamster, Steven. Building adventure trails for him or just watching him run in his ball. She loves to give him a goodnight kiss and cuddle before she goes to bed. Then she will either have a bath or a wash, she has a bath every second night unless she's particularly grubby that day. Lily loves playing in the bath and will happily spend hours splashing and swimming if I let her, making potions and teaching her dolls how to swim.
After bath time we will have a story.. or 5.. (who am I kidding sometimes its 6) by this time it is usually between 7 and 7.30pm and Lily is ready for bed, we go downstairs to brush her teeth, wash her face and use the toilet one last time and then it's in to bed for Lily.
She makes sure I know all of her bedtime 'rules' and gives me a kiss and cuddle night ,night and that her in bed for the night.
"Night Night Love you, see you in the morning, leave the hall light on all night, don't turn it off when you go to bed. if you have the TV on have it on quietly" - Lily's Bedtime Rules
Lily usually sleeps from between 7.30/7.45pm- 8.30/9am the next day and is so active throughout the day that she needs a good night sleep.

I'd love to hear about sleep routines from other families!

Thanks for Reading

Danielle x

Saturday 6 May 2017

Lily's Minimalistic Playroom Set Up

Lily is, in so many respects a complete tom-boy, she'd much rather be Spider-Man than a Disney princess, that being said she will often be found prancing about in her favourite high heels, and loves taking part in ballet and highland dancing.
When it came to doing up Lily's playroom she was desperate for a superhero themed room and I was eager to keep costs down, keep her playroom clutter free and one that won't need changing all the time as her interests develop.
I found these amazing superhero prints from
@painttherosesredprints and framed them, I love that these superheroes are relatable to Lily and she sees them as pictures of herself. An added bonus of supporting a small business which is really important to us.

We love art and craft activities and when I came across these cute handprint super heroes I couldn't resist.
We bought 4 mini canvasses for 99p from our local Home Bargains and Lily got to work, painting her own hand and making her very own Spider Man. Next we plan to make Iron Man and Captain America.  This looks fantastic up in Lily's playroom and add a very personal touch.
One of Lily and my favourite activities is playing and creating with Hama Beads, we had great fun making Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk and of course Spider-Man. We spent many an evening working together on these, before framing them in an Ikea frame.

Lily's lego shaped spider-man is another small shop goody from @yumsugarandspice and is a super piece of décor. Lily uses him as a toy and he is really sturdy and well made but at the same time he makes a fantastic ornament. Lily plans to purchase the whole superhero collection and is waiting patiently for her Grumpa to put up some shelves to display them all.

For the larger furniture items in Lily's playroom we used various second hand items including Ikea drawers which were mine when I was a little girl (talk about getting the use out of them) I found that buying second hand works really well when doing up a room on a budget. When Lily asked for a dolls house for Christmas I wasn't sure it was worth the £100 (or so) for the one she really wanted (she already has a dolls house that doesn't really get a look in) so I began to research and found one for a quarter of the price on Gumtree It was a huge hit! It was immaculate is one of Lily's most played with toys, especially when she has friends over to play.

Lily's table and chairs were bought from Hobby Craft at a great price of £32 for a round table and two chairs.

These have been really sturdy and a great piece of furniture that has well and truly withstood the test of four year old inflicted play, we use Lily's table for all our messy activities and it is still immaculate and easily wiped down after use.

 While doing up Lily's playroom I came across this Moon chair in Aldi for £12.99 which fitted in perfectly with Lily's superhero idea, it is something that she will probably grow out of relatively quickly but at the moment it is a firm favourite, perfect for chilling out on!

Thank you for reading
Danielle x